
  • 显示Banner(不小心关了): console执行localStorage.removeItem("welcomeHidden");

  • 隐藏Banner的关闭按钮

.Hero-close { display: none; }


默认情况下flarum中文搜索体验很差, 很多亚洲字符搜索不到.

  1. 有两种解决办法:

  2. 修改mysql文件, 但是有如下缺点:

    • mariadb不可用;

    • 修改了之后会影响

  3. 通过第三方搜索引擎实现:

  4. Sonic配置过程如下:

# First, add the Sonic APT repository (eg. for Debian bookworm):
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/valeriansaliou_sonic.gpg] https://packagecloud.io/valeriansaliou/sonic/debian/ bookworm main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/valeriansaliou_sonic.list

curl -fsSL https://packagecloud.io/valeriansaliou/sonic/gpgkey | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/valeriansaliou_sonic.gpg
# 如果提示没有 gpg , 记得安装 `nala install gnupg`;

nala update

# Then, install the Sonic package:
nala install sonic

# Then, edit the pre-filled Sonic configuration file:
vim /etc/sonic.cfg
# 里面的配置要和插件后台保持一直, 否则会连接server失败;
# 可以使用 locate sonic, 查看 sonic 相关目录;

Then, install the Sonic package:
nala install sonic

Then, edit the pre-filled Sonic configuration file:
vim /etc/sonic.cfg